The life-span of a human being is an average of a century. That's a pretty long time for us to make the most important decisions of our lives or is it? As long as that may seem, it is apparently irrelevant compared to the universe's course of time. Let's dive in. What is Time? From when each and every one of us was born to now, we've experienced the passing of time and have been under its influence but why can't we still feel it? It governs everything we do in our daily lives but it is still somewhat invisible to us. Taking Time as a standalone dimension Let's start from the basics. We describe a point as having zero dimensions, that is, it possesses no length or breadth. We move on to a line. A straight line is the shortest distance between two points. It has one dimension as it possesses length. Now we take a piece of paper of a molecule thickness. It has length and breadth. It has two dimensions and therefore is two-d...
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