We as humans believe ourselves to be the center of the universe as we are alive and are made of something that is seemingly abundant in the universe, matter. From atoms to Galaxy clusters and nebulae, everything we see is made up of what we call normal matter but there's a somewhat less flashy and darker brother that goes unnoticed. We call it Dark matter . At a time in history, scientist believed that normal matter is the only type of matter that exists and proliferates our universe. This line of thought continues for decades until calculations were made to estimate the amount of visible matter in our universe. Fortunately, they were shocked by the result they got. From the approximations, the universe consists of <5% of normal matter which is now termed as Baryonic matter ( since baryons are it's basic building blocks). How? We see matter all around us it should make sense that the universe consists of mainly matter. But on finding that was not the case...
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